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Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710

Reported by Robert Parham on fb group page:

I can confirm that the logitech F710 wireless gamepad works a treat. Bought 2nd hand on cex for 16.

remember it's wireless so will have a dongle which is inside the back panel(get a hub) and will need two AA batteries.

There's also a little switch on the front of the pad. I have it switched to D.

Reported by Fabian Norlin on fb group page:
For you that uses one or two Logitech F710 for your C64 Mini, I have some personal tips and documentation:

  1. The X / D swich on the back side must be in D mode for this to work.
  2. Per default, the fire button is the RT button.
  3. The START button is used for pause and enter the menus. And to leaving the menus!
  4. See the picture I posted to see the mapping of other buttons.
  5. When creating your own .cjm files for mapping your F710 controller to the games, the buttons is mapped in this order:
  6. My recommended config file for most games should look like:

    This maps almost all buttons to fire. In some games you may want to map Return or Space to some button to make it more easy. (And the F7 button for the game Raid Over Moscow!).

Example: If you want all buttons works as fire but the LB works as F7 on both joysticks, it should looks like:

Have fun!

F710-to-Standard-joystick button mapping diagram

Provided by Alan Reed in fb group:

Comparison between F710 and Standard Joystick

Contributed by Ce Ce, while discussing in a fb thread relating to certain buttons having implied relationships with each other: