==== Fight Joystick TP-U670A by Topway/Tongwei ==== Reported by Paul Martinez in a fb post: "This joystick works out of the box with the mini. Button B10 is the menu button and B6 is the fire button. Feels alot sturdier than the mini's joystick." * https://www.facebook.com/groups/209280506324242/permalink/322627251656233/ Reported by Imran Al too, in a fb post: "This arcade stick works with the c64 mini quite well" * https://www.facebook.com/groups/209280506324242/permalink/356972911555000/ Found here: * https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Tongwei-arcade-joystick-usb-computer-game-joystick-fighting-stick-tp-u670/1211952976.html * https://imged.es/joystick-pc-topway-tp-u670a-2397239-19788244.html * https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/323620449801