[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. 2nd 🎮 Dre Hi. What about �second joystick to play many games with 2 players? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- synchromesh You can but them seperatly [2]https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-C64-Joystick-Electronic-Games/dp/B079JCLP8W/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1518569679&sr=8-3&keywords=the%20c64%20joystick -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FineLerv Anyone know if EB Games in Australia will be stocking second controllers? Also, are any of the games actually 2 players? Cheers! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dean_Demon [3]FineLerv Pitstop 2, Trailblazer, Armalyte, Summer Games 2, Uchi Mata, World Games are all excellent 2 player games. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FineLerv [4]Dean_Demon Thank you very kindly! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FineLerv Hmmm. Doesn’t seem to actually be any way to get a second joystick for what I can see. [5]😢😢😢 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [6]FineLerv You can get them from the same pre-order sites as TheC64 Mini itself (Amazon, Argos, Game, at least, though Amazon seem to have run out at the moment). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FineLerv [7]RetroBiker Hey, thanks heaps. Unfortunately I am in Australia. I ordered it by walking into an EB Games shop and they don’t seem to have the joysticks online to order. I wonder if there are any other Aussies in here that have a solution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [8]FineLerv Ah, I see. The release seems to be very UK (and Europe, to a certain extent) based right now. They recently posted a "watch this space" message about availability in other territories. Unfortunately, I suspect that will kick off after the UK release which, I'm sure, they are busy preparing for. But then, that is only 3 weeks away, now (squee!). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FineLerv [9]RetroBiker So excited, either way. This console will get so much love from me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JohnnyG Could Retrogames please confirm whether or not any of the Australian retailers were provided additional joysticks for sale? Or only the mini consoles? Since Amazon is out of stock, not sure how any of us can play the 2 player games. Alternatively, could a list of compatible usb controllers be provided somewhere? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce Not sure if anyone has got a list of compatible usb controllers yet, so if anyone tries any controllers they have in the house, let us know if they work or not in these forums :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Garageroog The FAQs say you can use a USB joypad. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce Yup, it does say that, though the developers have mentioned in past youtube videos that results may vary depending on which model controller you have. So if people want to share their experiences, whether it was a successful or not with this or that model, it's bound to help someone out there at some stage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- holdlang you can use a PS4 controller while you wait for the other joystick. It's working great with it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JohnnyG [10]holdlang has reported that his PS4 controller works. Not sure which exact model he is referring to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- wizkid how do you use it? i have tried to connect a usb ps4 controller, but it doesn't work..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- holdlang [11]wizkid Connect it with a cable while on the main menu. I tried 3 of them and all my ps4 controller is working fine. (on the default bios. Didn't updated it yet.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- adgloride I just got a ps2 to USB adapter off Ebay. Now my ps2 controller has come out of retirement and works well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- gafmcc You've probably worked this out but in order to play a port 1 game just connect two joysticks/pads and one of them will work and swap around for preference. This should do until the update comes out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-C64-Joystick-Electronic-Games/dp/B079JCLP8W/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1518569679&sr=8-3&keywords=the%20c64%20joystick 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/79/3 4. https://community.thec64.com/d/79/4 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/79/6 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/79/7 8. https://community.thec64.com/d/79/8 9. https://community.thec64.com/d/79/9 10. https://community.thec64.com/d/79/15 11. https://community.thec64.com/d/79/16