[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Indiegogo campaign RetroGamesLtd The original Indiegogo campaign was for the full sized version of THEC64. For various reasons, we decided to make THEC64 Mini first and then the full sized version. Anyone who backed us on Indiegogo, or pre-ordered the full sized version from us prior to the announcement date a few months ago, will still receive the full sized version in due course, but as a thank you for their patience will also receive a SPECIAL EDITION box version of THEC64 Mini AS WELL! They will also be getting their Mini prior to the retail release of it, ASAP in early 2018. People pre-ordering the full sized version off our older site www.the64.computer (since that announcement/cut off date) will now only receive the full sized version, but they will get it well before its later retail release in 2018. People pre-ordering THEC64 MINI off Amazon and other retailers now, will be getting their MINI ASAP in 2018 once the backers etc. as above have theirs. So its a win win for the original backers and pre-order supporters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/