[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. How is the mapping of PC keyboard to the emulator? K-rnivoro Due to a non-functional keyboard, my question is: How I know how PC keys are mapped to C64 keys? I'm use to VICE emulator with Symbolic and Positional layouts, but I do not know about the emulator the "THE C64" uses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- quatermass [2]K-rnivoro I do not know about the emulator the "THE C64" uses. Join the queue mate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReflectedLightEntertainment This is likely based on what emulator they are using. If it is a version of VICE then the keyboard layout would be according to how VICE is set up. There is no official statement about which emulator is being used but I would lean on VICE being on the short-list due to certain features that has been indicated is in VICE but some of the other C64 emulators do not have. It is possible that it is VICE with a custom front-end. Of course the front end can set things up in a manner that makes access to certain features more cumbersome. There is a little difference in the emulator's internal menu system between versions on different platforms but they all should all have access to such configurations. In my opinion, I lean on VICE being one of the likely possible emulators. I am not so sure about other C64 emulators. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroGamesLtd Please see the official announcement for details on using USB keyboards and how they are mapped. :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/41/1