[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Closure AB85 I hope the closure of the forum isn't a way of shying away from updates and the firmware by the development team. Don't want to be a pessimist but I am a bit wary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja [2]AB85 im not on any of that facecock bullshit or anything,wtf is this all about.....low move from the devs,how do I hear about updates or anything...bang out of order,they can shove their facecock fan groups up their hole -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEC64 [3]AB85 updates and new firmware will continue of course [4]😊[5]👍 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEC64 [6]Goclastninja the Facebook page does not require joining to read it ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AB85 I imagine it's so they can control what can be seen and not have to communicate with us as much or indeed respond. Their own Facebook page has updates but not everybody wants to hand over control to databook. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archon Thats just ridiculous.. This whole thing takes a bad direction.... Well. Just dug out my old 128 D and got myself some new cables and ordered Sam´s Journey Cartridge Edition.. Have fun everybody ! Original Commodore Hardware forever ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jimbo W . T . F ...... Just as it was getting very interesting on modding the C64 they shut the Forum down. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- jj_0 Call me naive, but I buy into the explanation. If you don't have to moderate an ever-growing forum you can spend more time working on other stuff. Checking for updates is easy, just check the updates page once in a while. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- fatgit Or too much hacking going on, what with adding new games and serial ports etc... such a shame. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tomxp411 The reasons they gave make sense. Not a lot of people will sign up for and use the forum, but clicking "like" on Facebook takes less than a second. And, quite frankly, the Facebook group really is more active than the forums here. There's also the issue of maintenance. It costs time and money to run this forum, keep software up to date, and keep the trolls at bay. I've run a few forums and discussion groups, so I know all about that bit of fun. (also about how easily most forum software gets hacked, costing days and weeks to rebuild it.) I'm also a little disappointed, but it does make sense when considered objectively. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- saramakos My problem is the signal to noise on FB is far higher than here. I come here to read about the C64 and that is what I get. I /like/ having a dedicated site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [7]saramakos My problem is the signal to noise on FB is far higher than here. I agree. And, unless I am a complete ignoramus, a Facebook group has no structure so following interesting content, catching up on your favourite threads and finding information is almost impossible. Lemon64 is an option, but a bit overwhelming compared to accessing Mini information here. Personally, I prefer smaller, focussed communities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce I'm also saddened by the closure. If there's any consensus on where the bulk of us want to migrate to, I'm happy to follow along. Someone mentioned lemon64? I'm fine with that. Aah, yup, jj made a post there: [8]http://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=824501#824501 It's in the 'General' section, so who knows, maybe the moderators of that forum might consider making a 'C64 mini' section for us? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet How much moderation was necessary to maintain this forum? I'd imagine you'd spend about about one business hour each day. You could always try to find someone willing to do the moderation for you, too. Keep topics tidy and on-topic. Honestly, when I first saw this forum, I felt relief. That was a big step forward for you. The entire year before the forum, your company, the strange fundraiser campaign, and what few bits and pieces were made public, raised so many red flags for me, that RG remained nothing but a nebulous something that could very well also just have been a scammer. Now I know you have made a product and sold it, very successfully I might add. I'd advise to not retreat back into that isolation. There ought to be an official line of communication, and it's bad for business to rely on external platforms for everything. I've appreciated the new openness, despite the rare occurrence of you posting on your own forums. If you do not want to deal with people communicating as they have been, please find someone to moderate it in your interests. Closing this forum cannot be a good idea. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram Can anyone post on the Facebook site? All I see is posts from the maker's of this unit. Bugger all of interest on it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tomxp411 [9]Darbyram There may be several Facebook groups; the one I've been following is [10]https://www.facebook.com/groups/209280506324242/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moz333 Bit of a shame. Dont do the Facebook or social media thing myself, never have so this was handy for a quick browse on whats going on and picking up a few tips/hacks etc. Might be a bit cynical but cant help but think they are distancing themselves from any negative comments, or modding quirks under this site name. This forum could have grown nicely and it wouldnt have not been difficult to recruit a handful of volunteer mods from regulars on here.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [11]tomxp411 yes I am well aware of the sites as I am on them. It is the main one that bothers me with lack of anything other than reviews.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mrrockitt [12]tomxp411 I'm in that one too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spinal I'm not on facebook and I'm not joining. So if I miss out on any and all future info regarding the mini then so be it. It takes nothing to moderate a forum, just do what most other forums do, ask a couple of regulars to be mods, simple. Turning people away from the official website simply because the company is too lazy to keep in contact with the customers is a very bad move in my opinion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEC64 [13]spinal fan forums and official company forums are different beasts with regards to what can be discussed, plus at this point of our companies journey our resources are better spent on improvements on the products [14]👍 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIK WTF! If this is true... Starting to think I may not even bother buying the two TheC64 Joysticks I have on pre-order that are supposed to be released on Friday... No loss to me as I was only getting them to support the cause regardless if they are not fit for purpose. I'll have to hunt someone down with a Facebook account and have a nose, [15]🔫 "I need your clothes, boots and your Commodore..." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIK The official word is that the forum is to close this Friday... [16]https://www.facebook.com/THEC64computer/ It is with regret we have decided to close the THEC64 forum on our site www.thec64.com this coming Friday. With the expanding fan Facebook groups we have decided to concentrate our resources on other social media platforms such as those rather than spread ourselves too thin. We wanted to give you all time to copy any threads over to other groups before Friday. We also wanted to thank you all for your contributions on that forum but with members in their thousands in the other groups as opposed to that one logically this makes more sense. We hope you all can understand our reasons, as we wish to spend more time on improvements to the hardware and firmware! Thanks as ever to you all for your support. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja Can we start our own forum up? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEC64 [17]Goclastninja yes ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [18]Next Page » References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/1 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/1 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/2 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/9 8. http://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=824501#824501 9. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/12 10. https://www.facebook.com/groups/209280506324242/ 11. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/14 12. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/14 13. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/16 16. https://www.facebook.com/THEC64computer/ 17. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/20 18. https://community.thec64.com/d/348?page=2&id=348-closure [1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Closure Toen The message board has been short lived. I have come to rely on it for tips about best use of the mini 64. I fear that upgrades may be long awaited. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEC64 [2]Goclastninja yes ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEC64 [3]AB85 updates and new firmware will continue of course [4]😊[5]👍 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEC64 [6]Goclastninja the Facebook page does not require joining to read it ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JohnnyG [7]THEC64 the Facebook page does not require joining to read it ? Sadly, this will mean the end of my contributions and involvement with theC64. FB is no substitute for simple to follow threads. There is too much noise and mess trying to follow information on FB. Load of crap IMO. I am not on facebook and don't need them to start trolling me with ads from the USSR... So goodbye. I guess you got your $$ out of me, so who cares, right? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZeHa "it is with regret" -> if you regret it, don't close it -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet At least, please consider using the blog (on Facebook, if it has to be that) more extensively than you have been, in the past? Certainly we do not require a daily flow sweet nothings, but it would be good to avoid long stretches of silence. Anything that goes in-depth is much appreciated. Like interviews that answer questions posed by your audience. Even technical ones. And I hope you appreciate this kind of feedback as well. Let me assure you, you get the best kind of feedback right on your very own forums. Where people invest time and energy to contact you, without also making a bit of a show of it, like they typically will, on social sites. On those, you will see numerous customers who want technical support. On here, you GET technical support. And by that, I mean from your customers, trying to help you. That may sound a little pompous, but it's an observation I find to be very true. It's a shame to see this go away. So - whatever you do, try to show more presence and interactivity, if you at all can. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEC64 [8]spinal fan forums and official company forums are different beasts with regards to what can be discussed, plus at this point of our companies journey our resources are better spent on improvements on the products [9]👍 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcival [10]THEC64 plus at this point of our companies journey our resources are better spent on improvements on the products... ...rather than actually engage with your customers. Boy, do you know how to Pi$$ off a crowd. [11]@Jammet - my money is on long stretches of silence, interspersed with the odd update. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chrisa1981 If I set a forum up can I promote it on here? looking into it at the moment -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [12]chrisa1981 I was pondering doing the same thing, my host offered a one-click install for a bulletin board system. I gave it a try, it installed ok, I just don't know a great deal about configuring and administering it as yet. Still, if you've got the drive and momentum to do it yourself, no worries, don't let my efforts stop you [13]:) One thing I will press on with though it trying to preserve all forum threads here. I'm writing a bit of python code that will hopefully scrape through all the contents and back it all up tonight. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chrisa1981 Im trying to do it a simple way by looking at Wix and others at the moment to see how quickly this may be to set up, I dont mind chipping in a few quid a month hosting, its just making time to set up something to start off with. Im not a fan of facebook or twitter etc and the facebook page ive seen is just spam posting review videos tbh -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Why not use us as monitors,I like the forum but don't like the way its been made,and way it is,its odd,never seen a forum like it before,well I believe this might be the begin of the end.They could of used BBphp,Its a shame,Like come here but we don't need it,I can make a forum,if you want one and I post the link here,let me know before this one closes..??? Just made one now ,I have to add stuff to is now so please bear with me.. [14]:D [15]http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [16]spannernick1 If you've got server-space ready and are familiar with administrating with phpBB, I'm fine with that. But if it's going to take you or [17]@chrisa1981 a while to arrange for server space, then perhaps a quicker option could be to make use of the gurce.net server-space I have, as it's up and running already, and the one-click install method has already installed phpBB for me there (just that I know very little on configuring / administering it). I'm still open to the possibility of moving over to lemon64. Ah well, let's see what people are most comfortable with. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce Ok, I've backed up all threads as of now as raw text to here: * [18]http://gurce.net/oldforum/ I'll take a quick look at phpBB now to see how much of a learning curve there is to it. If I can get my head around it quick enough, perhaps it can be a possible temporary solution, until there's a general consensus on a path forward. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce Well, here's a link to the phpBB install. I can log in ok. I'll try give it a test drive: [19]https://gurce.net/c64miniforum If anyone wants to try register an account and drop some test posts, go for it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [20]Gurce Just registered but post needs approving. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 I have add all the categories now.just got to add the posts from here somehow..??? don't know how..[21]:D Do you want a rom category..?? Sorry getting confused... well this is what is going to look like then,I know how to use BBphp used it years ago for my Viewty Themes Site.. [22]:D I ran the forum on my PC...[23]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [24]spannernick1 Cheers man, just did it now. I'd better look into a setting that turns off this need for approval per post [25]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 If you want me to add the categories and that I can,let me know..? Will have to be Admin or something to do it..? I will make a banner latter for it in Photoshop,Iuse to made Arcades and models for 3D Arcade. [26]http://macxt.webs.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [27]spannernick1 Yeah, I'm tempted to make you admin there or a moderator, just not sure yet, and a bit sensitive to what permissions/rights you'll have, as it's my server space (I know you wouldn't do anything nasty, ofcourse [28];)). I turned off a setting within phpBB that was causing new users to need their first 3 messages manually approved by the admin. Hopefully that'll help. Yep, if you want to make a pretty banner for the site, happy to drop it in [29]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mrrockitt [30]tomxp411 I'm in that one too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIK [31]Gurce For now you could borrow the forum logo, they won't need it after tomorrow... [32]https://community.thec64.com/assets/logo-ciavjpcy.png [33]https://community.thec64.com/assets/logo-ciavjpcy.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [34]« Previous Page [35]Next Page » References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/20 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/1 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/2 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/24 8. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/16 10. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/27 11. https://community.thec64.com/u/Jammet 12. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/28 15. http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ 16. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/31 17. https://community.thec64.com/u/chrisa1981 18. http://gurce.net/oldforum/ 19. https://gurce.net/c64miniforum 20. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/34 24. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/36 26. http://macxt.webs.com/ 27. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/38 30. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/14 31. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/40 33. https://community.thec64.com/assets/logo-ciavjpcy.png 34. https://community.thec64.com/d/348?page=1&id=348-closure 35. https://community.thec64.com/d/348?page=3&id=348-closure [1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Closure mrrockitt So which forum did you decide on Guys? Well done for setting one up, is a great idea [2]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [3]mrrockitt I don't want to deprive anyone from their options, but I'm happy to plug away at my present effort here: [4]https://gurce.net/c64miniforum I've borrowed the existing logo for now, as MIK suggested, until Spannernick comes up with a replacement [5]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 I think the one i made looks alright,I like the theme because it blue and goes it the C64 Chickenhead blue.. [6]:D If you want me to make it look like that I see if I can find the theme..?? It's up to you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [7]spannernick1 I'm happy for you to go with your instincts man, I'll put my trust in your artist capabilities [8]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIK [9]Gurce For now you could borrow the forum logo, they won't need it after tomorrow... [10]https://community.thec64.com/assets/logo-ciavjpcy.png [11]https://community.thec64.com/assets/logo-ciavjpcy.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [12]MIK already got it thanks.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mrrockitt [13]Gurce Up to you guys as you are doing all the work but this one looks fine to me. Good job importing the threads too [14]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Which one are we going to use..? cause mine is a free fourm but I can subscribe to it,and it setup already,I don't want to jump on anyone toes.. [15]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [16]spannernick1 Hehe, yah, I don't want to impose either. I'm ok with whether the masses feel more comfortable with. I've backed up all the past threads, so we can copy/paste them in either forum. Maybe give both a test drive in these last day or two we have to see what you all feel comfortable with? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [17]Gurce Should I add a link to your backed up threads [18]http://gurce.net/oldforum/ or if you want to do it,you have to register,and I can make you a admin or something,if you want that is..? God they have loads of themes on this site you can download them its a .pbt file don't know if you can install them into phpBB. Add free is $6.00 a month.But Ad Blocker removes them anyway. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [19]Gurce done it you a admin..[20]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Ok thats fine with me.. [21]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [22]spannernick1 Alrighty, I'll try add a post in for that link. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Be back soon.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [23]spannernick1 Thanks man. I'll probably call it a night for now, exhausted [24]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIK [25]Gurce Looking sweet Gurce with the logo now. This goes to both you & Spannernick, which ever forum is the safest, has support to stop bot spamming, ban, block ect.., the one you have total control of, advert free, if possible is free for the owner to run, and maybe the one you have used before would be the most suited. Safety and control over looks and how it works as always but for now, of the two Gurce is easier on the eyes with the text sitting on a slight blue background. Get some sleep Gurce. [26]:+1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker Awesome work you guys! Which are we going to go forward with? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Well Proboards would stop bot spamming, and they would keep the forum updated, I don't need to do any of that myself.It has a shoutbox to if you scroll down if you want to have a live talk..[27]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker I must admit that I'm liking the Proboards one most so far. It has nice touches like settings saving without requiring a page re-load and the ability to like posts (which is something I like about this forum). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mrrockitt I quite like the ProBoards one too. Nice interface. Looks great with the banner too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [28]« Previous Page [29]Next Page » References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/41 4. https://gurce.net/c64miniforum 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/42 9. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/40 11. https://community.thec64.com/assets/logo-ciavjpcy.png 12. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/43 13. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/45 16. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/47 17. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/49 18. http://gurce.net/oldforum/ 19. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/49 22. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/51 23. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/54 25. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/55 28. https://community.thec64.com/d/348?page=2&id=348-closure 29. https://community.thec64.com/d/348?page=4&id=348-closure [1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Closure Goclastninja Whats the one to join with you guys then? Ive never been involved with forums or anything in the past but liked coming on here throughout the day reading the treads etc,happy to have been involved here with you guys im happy to go were the majority of you guys go. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 If we go with Proboards there is less work to do and you don't have keep updating it every time a new version comes out and Bot spamming is covered,you add plugs and Themes so if you don't like the way it looks you can change it,I add some soon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 done the banner -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja Can you send a link for that one I joined the one that gurce put up,,,is that the one?? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [2]https://gurce.net/c64miniforum -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja Yes joined that one -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mrrockitt So, these are the two choices yeah? [3]http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net [4]https://gurce.net/c64miniforum -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [5]mrrockitt Yup, they're the ones. I haven't had a chance for a deep analysis of either, and with time being so limited, we might not get the chance to analyse them too deeply. My gut says, let's just pick one, say the freeforums one, and just iron out the kinks and tailor it to suit our needs over time as feedback comes in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIK [6]Gurce Sounds good. All that's needed now is the word spread that people should head on over to: [7]http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ Maybe ask TheC64 mini team if they could kindly add it to the links pages as well, as a Fan Forum. [8]:+1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tomxp411 That's what we need to get them to do... add the community forums as links here on the Community page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce I'm adding in notices to my forum at gurce.net that I'll be closing it down soon. So please direct your energy and future posts towards the forum here from here-on in, as that's where the momentum is headed: [9]http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ Yup, I'll send the c64 team a post via the contacts page now to ask them if they can add a link to this forum. Ok, sent: Hi guys, With the community forums closing soon, a few of us on the forums were hoping to carry on a forum in the same spirit. This one seems to be gathering momentum now: [10]http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ Spannernick is the main admin there and he has also given me admin+moderator rights there too. Would it be alright to add a url to your website's 'links' page, just in-case any past users want to locate where the successor to the community forum is? Cheers, Gurce -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AB85 They won't do that. They don't want to be seen as supporting hacking or modding. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [11]AB85 Yeah, the thought crossed my mind of that possibility. I recall they had listed Vinny's freeze64 site for a while on their links page, seemingly in appreciation of his efforts of keeping people happy with external game options (up until the new firmware makes this easier), only to take the link down later. So my take is that they are appreciative of the buzz we create for this product, whether it be modding, hacking or otherwise, it's perhaps that they just can't offically/openly express that. Ah well, whatever may be, it doesn't hurt to ask :-) Either way, I'm happy to see already some familiar faces have already registered on the new forum site, and banter is starting to take place there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JohnnyG [12]THEC64 the Facebook page does not require joining to read it ? Sadly, this will mean the end of my contributions and involvement with theC64. FB is no substitute for simple to follow threads. There is too much noise and mess trying to follow information on FB. Load of crap IMO. I am not on facebook and don't need them to start trolling me with ads from the USSR... So goodbye. I guess you got your $$ out of me, so who cares, right? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tomxp411 [13]JohnnyG It looks like people are moving to [14]http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ Give it a chance, I think you'll like it. [15]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker Just a thought about this closure here... I know a lot of people are sad about it. Even frustrated and annoyed. However, I think this will be great for the community in the long term. The thing is, the rules of this forum are a bit stricter than many would wish. This is because it is run by the same team as makes the device, so they need to keep it within their own legal and licensing terms. They are not going to be able to show full conformance of their various partner agreements and also support non-conformance on their own forum. The way I see it, although the team have always indicated that TheC64 was made to be hacked, with the multi-disks being created by Vinny, lots of questions about access to games, people reverse-engineering the OS and opening up the device and physically modding it, I can easily see how things are going into a grey area for them. A community run forum will be much freer in terms of the things that can be covered. The ProBoards forum is really starting to take off and if everyone here comes over and participates, then I think it's going to be an amazing place for us. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcival [16]THEC64 plus at this point of our companies journey our resources are better spent on improvements on the products... ...rather than actually engage with your customers. Boy, do you know how to Pi$$ off a crowd. [17]@Jammet - my money is on long stretches of silence, interspersed with the odd update. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tomxp411 And how much time would you suggest they put toward engaging with their customers? Ten hours a week? Twenty? A hundred? It's easy for one person to be overwhelmed by just that. One person could spend his entire day on this task: handling support requests by email, interview requests from newspapers, magazines and blogs, and promoting the product. And that's without dealing with the garbage that goes on in social communities. I don't know if you've noticed, but forums are full of jerks. Small forums are usually friendly, but hit a hundred or so regular users, and the jerk to nice person ratio starts to change rapidly - and it gets even worse when it's a gaming community, where people seem to have zero self control or respect for other people. This forum is relatively small, and it exists primarily as a user to user resource, not as a way for RetroGames to talk to the customers. For that, they have a blog. I completely agree that if they can offload that work to an eager fan who is willing to do that work for free, they should do so. At the end of the day, Retro will communicate with us just as much as they have before; they can go to spanner's forum just as easily as here. They can post on Facebook and on the blog just as easily as before. All that's changed is that some employee at Retro doesn't have to deal with the spam, the trolls, and the other filth that a forum moderator has to deal with. I've run some forums, and I can tell you - it's a PITA with very little reward compared to the work you put into it. Speaking as someone with experience, this is absolutely the right move. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcival I'd put whatever time is necessary seeing as how they made the damn thing, we bought it and should support it properly, not give us a forum for them to then decide that it's too much effort to run so let's close it down. Perhaps some forethought around this would have been a good start to begin with. Stick up for them as much as you like, but you are being mugged off and you are happy to accept it for a product that's hardly been out a month and they are already shutting down the forum. That speaks volumes to me. Your allegiance towards them is misguided, no matter what your 'leet skills running a forum as a Mod involves. Your another one like [18]@oldskool , spouting off about his great experience. This place is dead after today so I won't be visiting to see your reply. Mugs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tomxp411 [19]Parcival Stick up for them as much as you like, but you are being mugged off and you are happy to accept it for a product that's hardly been out a month and they are already shutting down the forum. That speaks volumes to me. No, I've just seen how literally every other C64 Mini community is more active and more interesting than this one. [20]Parcival Your allegiance towards them is misguided, no matter what your 'leet skills running a forum as a Mod involves. Hardly. I just get annoyed by people with a bad attitude acting like other people owe them something and should do everything the way they want it done. In this case, I don't see any business advantage in this forum being on this site when other communities are doing a better job of what this forum was meant to do. And since you have no idea of what's going on behind the scenes, you don't really get to criticize them for not being omnipotent and failing to anticipate the amount of work it takes to mange this place. [21]Parcival Your another one like [22]@oldskool , spouting off about his great experience. I'm sorry it bothers you that some people have age and experience to apply to their daily lives. Hopefully, you will eventually grow up and get to use your own life experience to help guide other people. When that time comes, I hope those people are less rude to you than you are being here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spinal As far as I know, SNES/NES mini don't have official forums where people are encouraged to talk about hacking those products... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [23]« Previous Page [24]Next Page » References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://gurce.net/c64miniforum 3. http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ 4. https://gurce.net/c64miniforum 5. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/67 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/68 7. http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ 9. http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ 10. http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ 11. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/72 12. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/24 13. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/73 14. http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ 16. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/27 17. https://community.thec64.com/u/Jammet 18. https://community.thec64.com/u/oldskool 19. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/79 20. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/79 21. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/79 22. https://community.thec64.com/u/oldskool 23. https://community.thec64.com/d/348?page=3&id=348-closure 24. https://community.thec64.com/d/348?page=5&id=348-closure [1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Closure walnutwhip oh well if theyre partially dropping support for the machine already by remoiving the forums, then ill just sell the machine and get a real c64. anyone know any pitfalls to buying a c64 in 2018? which models are most compatible, most reliable etc? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tomxp411 [2]walnutwhip oh well if theyre partially dropping support for the machine already by remoiving the forums, then ill just sell the machine and get a real c64. anyone know any pitfalls to buying a c64 in 2018? which models are most compatible, most reliable etc? Sure, I can actually give you a lot of advice there, but this isn't the place to do it, since the forum is closing. If you PM me, we can talk by email. Otherwise, hit me up on [3]http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ or [4]http://www.lemon64.com/forum/index.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tomxp411 [5]Parcival Stick up for them as much as you like, but you are being mugged off and you are happy to accept it for a product that's hardly been out a month and they are already shutting down the forum. That speaks volumes to me. No, I've just seen how literally every other C64 Mini community is more active and more interesting than this one. [6]Parcival Your allegiance towards them is misguided, no matter what your 'leet skills running a forum as a Mod involves. Hardly. I just get annoyed by people with a bad attitude acting like other people owe them something and should do everything the way they want it done. In this case, I don't see any business advantage in this forum being on this site when other communities are doing a better job of what this forum was meant to do. And since you have no idea of what's going on behind the scenes, you don't really get to criticize them for not being omnipotent and failing to anticipate the amount of work it takes to mange this place. [7]Parcival Your another one like [8]@oldskool , spouting off about his great experience. I'm sorry it bothers you that some people have age and experience to apply to their daily lives. Hopefully, you will eventually grow up and get to use your own life experience to help guide other people. When that time comes, I hope those people are less rude to you than you are being here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet Well! It's been fun! See you on the other forums, everybody! I'm out! Godspeed, RetroGames! Looking forward too the big one! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tomxp411 It's been real. It's been fun. Has it been real fun? [9]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [10]« Previous Page References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/81 3. http://c64minicommunity.freeforums.net/ 4. http://www.lemon64.com/forum/index.php 5. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/79 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/79 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/348/79 8. https://community.thec64.com/u/oldskool 10. https://community.thec64.com/d/348?page=4&id=348-closure