[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Feature Request: C64 user port RetroBiker It would be great to have a driver on TheC64 Mini which supported something like this as the user port: [2]http://uk.farnell.com/roline/12-02-1049/cable-usb-plug-d-sub-9p-plug-25p/dp/2807848 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tomxp411 I think if you've reached that level of sophistication, you'll want to switch over to VICE, which supports using any of the host's serial ports as a user port device. Several people have even installed Raspberry Pi boards inside of a dead C64's case to build a "Commodore Pi." I'm actually trying to go a step further and install an Intel NUC in a 64C case. I am just trying to find a more stable keyboard controller than what I've got right now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [3]tomxp411 you'll want to switch over to VICE For me, this project is about getting as close to the original feel of the C64 and getting it to do the same kinds of things that were possible then. I agree that the full size version will be even better suited to doing this sort of stuff, however there are all sorts of possibilities even with the Mini and the sort of things you can plug into a USB port. Having grown up on the PET, I still find this: POKE 56577,1 or even: LDA #1 STA $DD01 more meaningful than: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO led = 11 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(led, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(led, GPIO.HIGH) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet A lot of the things I do, I do in VICE, because VICE does the job, and does it well. That's not stopping me from making feature requests to that end in here as well. We hope to see a bigger brother of the Mini eventually. Fully featured. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. http://uk.farnell.com/roline/12-02-1049/cable-usb-plug-d-sub-9p-plug-25p/dp/2807848 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/326/2