[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Freeze c64 mini hacks lonhro3377 Hi Guys, Anyone else using the freeze 64 mini hacks? I've just tried using them and downloading them onto my usb stick but when i try to LOAD"*",8,1i always get a ?FILE NOT FOUND ERROR. i'm using a mac to download the zip file and then just double clicking it and copying the folder onto the usb. Really appreciate any help! Thanks guys! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [2]lonhro3377 I believe Vinnie's mega disks are in d81 or d82 format (and not standard d64 that the system expects). In order to get these to work, you have to utilise a quirk in the c64 mini: 1) After turning on the c64 mini, select the game AVENGER 2) Back out of it and then enter BASIC 3) Then try see if Vinnie's disk works. For more info on this strange quirk, have a read of this thread where we've been talking it over: [3]https://community.thec64.com/d/289-you-can-load-d81-images-well-i-can-no-problem/74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spd1975 [4]lonhro3377 It's what Gurce says but just in case.... are you extracting the disk image from the zip file after download and copying that to your usb stick? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toen Thanks for the heads up on this. What an amazing hack. I have tried a few and they work really well. Some games come up with a hacker screen but there is no indication which key or button to press. Any ideas? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- lonhro3377 Thanks for your help guys, yeah i've tried opening alleykat, armalyte and avenger and then trying the command but still no luck unfortunately. i'm getting the zip file and then then being a mac i just double click on it and it opens into a folder where there is a png and a d.64 file. I've tried a couple of different usb stick so far but no go. Mac thing? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [5]lonhro3377 Mac thing? More likely to be your USB stick. On a Mac, after double clicking, you should have a file called "THEC64-drive8.d64" which is exactly the form that the Mini needs. Dragging that file to the top level of your USB stick is all that's required. On the mini, make sure the USB stick is plugged in before going into BASIC and that you don't access a saved image before typing in the load command. Have you tried other D64 image files that are real D64 format? Worse case, try reformatting your memory stick. On a Mac, go into Disk Utility, select the USB stick (not the partition on the stick, but the whole device) and select "Erase". Choose FAT (which is FAT32) and ensure that the MBR option is selected (which is the default for FAT formatting on the Mac anyway). If you are still not able to see the drive (or any drive), then it would suggest either your memory stick is not performing, or the Mini is under powered. Make sure you are supplying at least 2A (preferably 2.5A) to the Mini. Hope this helps... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mrrockitt Agree that it really sounds like USB, took me a few goes to get any USB stick recognised. Once I did, I have had no trouble with Vinny's excellent Mutlidisks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- lonhro3377 Thanks very much guys, all working now. I had both files(png and d.64) on the usb so i just removed the png and after that it read it fine. Is there any way of saving the 20 odd games that come in all of these hacks onto the c64 mini without having to have the usb plugged in? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [6]lonhro3377 At this stage no, but hopefully in the upcoming firmware update, they are planning to have some sort of disk selector mechanism that will let you house multiple disks on your USB stick. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [7]lonhro3377 Is there any way of saving the 20 odd games that come in all of these hacks onto the c64 mini without having to have the usb plugged in? No. If a game is in one file on the disk, then you can load it in and use one of the save slots for it, but that will give you a total of 4 installed options. The next firmware update (of one soon after) will include a browser allowing multiple disks on a USB stick that you'll be able to select between. This will mean you should be able to load up a memory stick (with literally thousands of disk images) and access any of them, meaning you'll rarely ever need to remove it. There may even be a time when we can install new programs to the carousel if you play them a lot, but no info from Retro Games LTD about that - just speculation, I think. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/324/1 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/289-you-can-load-d81-images-well-i-can-no-problem/74 4. https://community.thec64.com/d/324/1 5. https://community.thec64.com/d/324/5 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/324/8 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/324/8