[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. USB Controller Support and .TAP files? VictorLazarus Hi everyone, I picked up a C64 Mini and the only real issue I had with it was the controller. I tried a bunch of other controllers. (Which ones I used were in my Youtube review of the C64 Mini as MVL GAMING) the PS4 controller worked okay but went crazy when I used the menu buttons on the C64 Mini joystick. Also, only the thumbstick worked, and I'd have prefered to use the D-Pad. So will there be any further support for USB controllers, or button mapping? (Or does anyone have any advice on a controller that works or a method I should use) Also, I know there is more support coming for loading you own ROM files. But as I'm from the UK, all of my collection are on cassettes. So is there any chance (long shot) that .TAP files will be supported in future? And if so, may I advise a play / stop feature so you can play loading games like Invade-a-load. (Or can anyone advise how I've convert my games to D64 in a way they'd work on the Mini) Thanks! MVL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/