[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Read/Write files from BASIC SYS4096 Still waiting for my unit to arrive ... In the meantime, I wonder if it would be possible to enter some BASIC program code that creates files and writes to and/or reads from them. May I save program code by the SAVE and LOAD commands? Are there blank disks mapped to the virtual floppy drives 8 and 9? Regards. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet That is a yes, you will have a blank disk generated on access, fully automatically, on the root of whatever USB thumb stick you have inserted at the time. Only drive 8, and writable only, if a writable file system via USB is present. So you can save, load, and save again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYS4096 Ok, I had'nt realized the existence of the BASIC tutorial yet ... it basically covers my concerns. Regards. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYS4096 Thank you Jammet for confirming ;-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/