[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. You can load D81 images,Well I can No Problem spannernick1 It works fine of me every image I have put into it,Vice automatically see what disk image you are using,If its corrupting the file then it could be the USB stick you are using.I make a video soon loading D81 images,but I do use a sd card,maybe that why I don't have a problem,Load Turrican 1, 2 and 3 fine.I use a program thats on here to rename the file too.Got sick of typing THEC64-drive8.d64 all the time. Darbyram an hour ago spannernick1 Tried this a while ago but it kept corrupting the disk when i renamed it to THEC64-drive8.d64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Darbyram a minute ago spannernick1 Its shows it is corrupted when i rename it and open it in DirMaster. Loading it on the mini says 'file not found' and flashing disk icon Just rename it,the D81 image THEC64-drive8.d64 so if it's Turrican.d81 just name it to THEC64-drive8.d64 and put it to the root of your USB Stick then run Basic and Load"*",8,1 and it should load the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet I'm not sure I understand all you just wrote. You can load any D81 image, if it is named THEC64-drive8.d64. Yes? It will load from that disk, and launch games. But when writing to the disk, it corrupts it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [2]Jammet I use minimount to rename the file,someone made it on here,its on here somewhere. Just just rename them and they load, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Just tried The Train. and it loads fine. Love this game...[3]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [4]spannernick1 Still no joy i rename it with the minimount program. file not found and 3 different pen drives. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet If you can try saving games, or something like that, that would be nice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIK [5]Darbyram I don't have any to test as I've never dabbled in anything other than the basics, but just in case... Do a complete power down and pull the plug for 30secs after installing the new firmware to have a full reset. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram Anybody else had any joy with this? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Just uploading a quick video of it working..Post it here when it up,In the video you see me loading Flimbo's Quest from a D81 file. My C64 Mini has the latest update. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [6]spannernick1 Yeah mine too..just cant understand why it works for you, and not me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Here is the video but its still uploading at the moment so please wait.. [7]IFrame It might be down to me using a SD Card and reader thats why it works,the only game that didn't work was Labyrinth,but it did load and show the Labyrinth screen and then a black screen,but that might be down to Vice itself,have to test it to see if it works on that and if it don't load then its Vice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram I just cant understand how it works, when it corrupts the disk image -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet [8]Darbyram Likewise. What kind of corruption are we talking about here? Before I do this, could somebody who has already tried it, please clarify? What gets corrupted? The USB Filesystem or disk image on it? Can it be loaded more than once? What if I save a highscore? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Video is uploaded Now.. [9]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce Wow, if d81 disk images work, then ppl will be able to cram even MORE games onto their mult-game compilation disks :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [10]Gurce Yes that what I was thinking.you can fit load of games on one disk.. [11]:D Just tried to load a D81 into Vice,windows version and if I have True drive emulation on it comes up with the FILE NOT FOUND ERROR but if I turn it off it loads the d81 image,of course true drive emulation is not used with D81 disks cause they load in a SD2IEC...silly me.so maybe thats why you are getting the FILE NOT FOUND ERROR cause your TDM is on...???? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram Tried 4 pen drives and 2 memory cards that work with my mini. but this does not -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [12]spannernick1 would it be possible to share one of your d81 images for us to try. While I saw you pointed out in the video that they were indeed 800k in size, I'm wondering if the file structure within is of a d64 format. Also, someone on the facebook mini group suggested doing a LOAD "$",8 and assessing the number of blocks used + blocks free. That sounds like its worth a try. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [13]Jammet The disk image when it gets renamed, it gets corrupted -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet [14]Darbyram At what point does it get renamed? I thought the only time it gets renamed, is when I prepare it for loading. Me doing that will not change the content of that file though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [15]Next Page » References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/3 4. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/4 5. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/6 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/10 7. https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ud6DljImyUc 8. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/13 10. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/15 12. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/17 13. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/18 14. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/19 15. https://community.thec64.com/d/289?page=2&id=289-you-can-load-d81-images-well-i-can-no-problem [1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. You can load D81 images,Well I can No Problem spannernick1 I try it with a pen drive tomorrow and see if a d81 image gets corrupt,but I did try it and it wouldn't load a game but was able to update the firmware with it...weird -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Remember when I said I couldn't load Labyrinth(I am talking about the game thats based on the film Labyrinth with David Bowie.),well its Vice,did the same thing in the Windows version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet I noticed that if you want to load something from a .D81 file in Vice, the only way this works for me is using the autostart function, selecting the image you want, and there it will show a ist of the files within that selected floppy disk image. Now double clicking the topmost file in THAT LIST OF CONTENTS will usually run the game on the D81 file just fine. [2]How it works What I can't do in vice, is insert a disk and do LOAD"$",8 or 9, that just won't work for whatever reason. But that doesn't explain what people say about file corruption with the Mini, at all. Also, I have tested just renaming a D81 to D64, and trying to load it in the Mini using the described procedure, and failed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcival You can't use ,9,1 as part of the LOAD command line The 9 refers to the 2nd disc drive as used by the C64. The C64 mini only recognises device 8 which is the first disc drive in the chain, hence Load "$",8,1. By the way, the 1 means to load the program into system memory. I know you're on about VICE but I'm just explaining for those that wanted to know about the meaning behind why they have to type ,8,1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [3]spannernick1 would it be possible to share one of your d81 images for us to try. While I saw you pointed out in the video that they were indeed 800k in size, I'm wondering if the file structure within is of a d64 format. Also, someone on the facebook mini group suggested doing a LOAD "$",8 and assessing the number of blocks used + blocks free. That sounds like its worth a try. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce I just had a look at the mini-mount program, to assess what it was doing, as I was wondering if the author might have by any chance added some logic to convert from d81 to d64 file format. To cut a long story short, no, I didn't see any evidence of this. It solely takes the file the user selects and copies it over as "THEC64-drive8.d64". The long story was, I used ildasm.exe to disassemble the "OpenFileBox.exe" that came with it, no magical extra steps in there, it just shows the "open file" dialog, once a user selects a file, it just spits the filename out to stdout and exits. The "minimount.cmd" batch then reads this and copies it over with the desired filename. So the next point of investigation I'm thinking will be to assess one of spannernick's d81 files, let's say the flimbo's quest one from the video? Nick, when you get a chance, can you pm me with a link for download? I can try do a hexdump of the initial header info and assess its structure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [4]@spannernick1 Ok, I've done a bit of homework on the d64 and d81 file formats here: * [5]https://ist.uwaterloo.ca/~schepers/formats/D64.TXT * [6]https://ist.uwaterloo.ca/~schepers/formats/D81.TXT I figured out a way to test/confirm whether a file is genuinely a d64 or d81, by checking the value of the byte equating to the "Disk DOS version type" value. For a d64 file: Disk DOS version type = byte contents of T18:S0:byte2 = byte contents of offset 0x16502 = 0x41 (For 1541 drive) For a d81 file: Disk DOS version type = byte contents of T40:S0:byte2 = byte contents of offset 0x61802 = 0x44 (For a 1581 drive) I assessed this with some .d64 and .d81 files on my system via hexdump tool and it supported this... $ hexdump -s 0x16502 -n 1 Commando.d64 0016502 41 0016503 $ hexdump -s 0x61802 -n 1 commando.d81 0061802 44 0061803 Any chance you could assess this on your d81 files? (Or if you pass onto me I can take a look) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sys49152 D81s work for me on the latest 1.0.7 upgrade. It didn't work on 1.0.6. Some things that may or may not have influenced it: I used dirmaster to create the d81, and copied games to it from multiple d64s (and changed the file extension to d64s) I enable the "fastloader" by going into any inbuilt game prior to going into BASIC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [7]sys49152 Thanks for sharing your experience! Ok, I will try replicate your steps now. * I presently have V1.06 firmware * I dropped a .d81 image onto my usb stick, renamed it to "THEC64-drive8.d64" * I jumped into BASIC, tried doing a LOAD "$",8 but just got the "?FILE NOT FOUND ERROR" * I upgraded to the V1.07 firmware * I jumped into BASIC, tried doing a LOAD "$",8 but just got the "?FILE NOT FOUND ERROR" again * I tried doing a complete shutdown and restart, then tried the same thing in BASIC again, still no luck * Oh... but then I tried loading another game from the Carousel (Avenger), and then I exited it, jumped back to BASIC and did LOAD "$",8 again, this time I saw something amazing [8]:D 3036 BLOCKS FREE!! It really is a D81 image [9]:D [10]:D [11]:D [12]Holy moly!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module180 [13]Gurce WOW, thanks for sharing your method. I was also stuck like you said you were, but i didn't try the last step...who knew... :-& I had like 10 or more games on my "D81" disk and now all is working. Regards from module180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module180 [14]Gurce I thought it is worth a mention that i have to use this method every single time I either change games, or power cycle the C64mini, otherwise the console/computer won't see the "D81" disk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 I know why its working,I not type Load"*",8,1 I load it from a save... [15]:) so it thinks its s d64 image it reading but its a d81 and reads it.... [16]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [17]spannernick1 Aaah, I see what you mean now! [18]:) Yep, agreed, do what spannernick has done, to save yourself the hassle of jumping into another game first, by making a BASIC save state that already has the fast-loader pre-installed (due to opening a game from the carousel). I.e.: * open a game from the carousel. * exit it * go to BASIC * If you like, type your LOAD "*",8,1 command in here (without the return key [19];) ) * make the save state now So next time you start up the machine, just jump to this BASIC save state and you won't need to jump into a carousel game in order to get the fast-loader and d81 image support [20]:D Nice going spannernick1! [21];) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [22]Gurce Added your comment to the video.. [23]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 You don't need to start a game from the carousel,well I didn't I just saved the load command and thats it.and it worked. Glad you got it working.. [24]:D now you can have loads of games to play now..[25]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [26]spannernick1 Aah, interesting, so you reckon simply creating a save-state in BASIC will cause the fast-loader and d81-image support to be enabled once the save state is restored? I'll give that a try tomorrow to confirm [27]:) But that's enough exploring for me tonight, tired but happy [28]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 I wonder if you can do it with D71 images too,don't see why not. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module180 [29]spannernick1 22 games on one “disk”, this is bliss, not being a USB jockey so much today and tomorrow :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Worked it out in the end.. [30]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [31]spannernick1 will give it another go when I finish work [32]😀 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [33]module180 Ah right, so you mean spannernick's BASIC save-state technique didn't work for you? I want to try that tomorrow morning... Honestly, I'm tempted to get out of bed and try it right now, but I'm holding back [34]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module180 [35]Gurce I did miss that one :-@ Thanks for pointing that out to me, I got caught up in all the excitement of the extra games on offer. I’m glad you didn’t get out of bed, because I wouldn’t either. If I didn’t have to pee I wouldn’t get out of bed EVER... :-) P.S The Basic save state works for me with “Load”$”,8” -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [36]« Previous Page [37]Next Page » References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/17 4. https://community.thec64.com/u/spannernick1 5. https://ist.uwaterloo.ca/~schepers/formats/D64.TXT 6. https://ist.uwaterloo.ca/~schepers/formats/D81.TXT 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/29 13. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/30 14. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/30 17. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/32 22. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/33 26. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/34 29. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/35 31. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/38 33. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/40 35. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/41 36. https://community.thec64.com/d/289?page=1&id=289-you-can-load-d81-images-well-i-can-no-problem 37. https://community.thec64.com/d/289?page=3&id=289-you-can-load-d81-images-well-i-can-no-problem [1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. You can load D81 images,Well I can No Problem flibblesan Tried this, wouldn't see the disk until I loaded Avenger. Tried with Sam's Journey copied from original d64 images into a d81 image and it wouldn't load, so I guess the Sam's fastloader conflicts which whatever fastloader Avenger is using. But I know Sam's should work since I can load disk 1 of the d64 without issues. This d81 stuff seems like test code not quite ready for public release IMO -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [2]flibblesan Is Sam journey in D81 format do you make it..? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [3]Gurce Added your comment to the video.. [4]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- flibblesan [5]spannernick1 yes, copied the contents of the 4 disks into a single d81 using DirMaster. I did the same thing to get the game working on my real C64 with sd2iec. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 If you need D81 images I am on Lemon64 and thats all I am saying one word PM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- adgloride I’ve also got the technique to work. Wouldn’t work on the old firmware and the image won’t load on vice. But for some reason it works on the c64 mini. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [6]adgloride I only just updated it to 1.0.7 today so it was working on 1.0.6 too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Yep I loaded a game before saving the Load command cause it just tested it and it came up with FILE NOT FOUND when I saved the load command without loading a game from the carousel first,wow,It was a fluke that I did save it at that time.. [7]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [8]spannernick1 Hehe, thanks for confirming this man, I can sleep peacefully tonight without itching to test anything further tomorrow morning! [9]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [10]spannernick1 Aah, interesting, so it's looking like the V1.0.6 to V1.0.7 was a red herring, and the real trick behind it was to load a game from the carousel, exit it, and then jump to BASIC (thus getting your fast-loader and d81 support). Doing the BASIC save state idea after this is the cherry on top [11];) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 The carousel games might be d81 images cause you can see some of them loading like from a disk image,I know Creatures is on a D81 image.thats maybe why it works. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [12]spannernick1 Aah, good point about some pre-installed games being hosted on d81 images. That has got me wondering... Is there a possibility that some carousel games are d81 images, whereas some others are d64 images? If so, I'm wondering if the d81 support is only added if you by chance selected one of the pre-installed d81 image games? I.e., is there a possibility for a user to try follow our currently suggested technique, but still fail? Due to selecting a pre-installed game that was just a d64 image, hence the d81 support wasn't loaded, so that when they jump into BASIC, it still fails? Well, from memory, when I was back on firmware V1.06, I tried the "load-a-carousel-game-first" technique to see if it would help my chances of getting the renamed d81 file to load in BASIC, but it still failed with the "?FILE NOT FOUND" error... The game I chose on that occasion was "ARMALYTE"... But after upgrading to V1.0.7, when I tried the "load-a-carousel-game-first" technique, it worked... The game I chose on that occasion was "AVENGER"... Hmm, so that has me wondering, did my game choice have an impact on whether d81 support was added or not... Will test out that theory tomorrow [13]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 I tried Alleykat and it worked. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [14]flibblesan mmm must be Vice,have you tried it in Vice on windows or whatever OS you are on..?? If it dose it in that then its the emulator not liking the disk image.Remember to always test it in Vice then you know it Vice or not. and remember when you try anything in TheC64 Mini it's a C64 Emulator(Vice) so it will not act the same as a real C64 cause its software not hardware. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- adgloride I’ve use a d82 image which has more space and you can fit about 1mb of games on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 [15]adgloride I think you can do it with any disks image,prg don't work I have tried it,so only D images. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Let us know how meny D64s you can put on a D81 image,well you won't need to keep going to your PC now to change the disk as much.. [16]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [17]spannernick1 It WORKS!!!!...at last finally got there in the end lol Big thanks spannernick1, this is one hell of a find.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jimbo If you search google for CBM FileBrowser and download it .... better still here is a link [18]http://www.nightfallcrew.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=1115 put the FB64 prog in your D81 image with your games then Load FB64 and Run then you can browse and load your games using your joystick. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jimbo When you load and run the FB64 prog you can then save it on the C64Mini in Basic. Now were getting somewhere. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module180 [19]Jimbo Especially with more than 20 games on a "D81" disk image converted to "D64" and the FB running, suddenly everything seems oh so clear..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20]« Previous Page [21]Next Page » References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/42 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/33 5. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/44 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/46 8. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/47 10. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/49 12. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/50 14. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/54 15. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/55 17. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/58 18. http://www.nightfallcrew.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=1115 19. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/60 20. https://community.thec64.com/d/289?page=2&id=289-you-can-load-d81-images-well-i-can-no-problem 21. https://community.thec64.com/d/289?page=4&id=289-you-can-load-d81-images-well-i-can-no-problem [1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. You can load D81 images,Well I can No Problem module180 [2]Gurce I did miss that one :-@ Thanks for pointing that out to me, I got caught up in all the excitement of the extra games on offer. I’m glad you didn’t get out of bed, because I wouldn’t either. If I didn’t have to pee I wouldn’t get out of bed EVER... :-) P.S The Basic save state works for me with “Load”$”,8” -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module180 [3]Jimbo Especially with more than 20 games on a "D81" disk image converted to "D64" and the FB running, suddenly everything seems oh so clear..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce I gotta say, the facebook c64 mini group is getting just as excited about the d81/d82 support revelations of late. Some nice compilation disks are showing up, with one poster having a disk menu (with a tonne of games) that lets you select the game via joystick. There was even someone trying to port over a large cartridge game over to d82... I won't mention any names here, but anybody interested should probably take a look at the fb group page :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce Ok, I did some testing just now on whether your selection of game-choice makes a difference on whether you get fast-loading + d81 support. My quick conclusion (for those in a hurry [4];)) is YES, and if in doubt, just pick AVENGER all the time [5]:) For those that want details, here are my notes. I didn't try all games, just enough to assess this theory: CAROUSEL GAMES THAT TRIGGERED THE FAST-LOADER AND .D81 SUPPORT: * Alleykat * Anarchy * Avenger * Battle Valley * Boulderdash * Bounder * California Games CAROUSEL GAMES THAT DIDN'T PROVIDE FAST AND .D81 SUPPORT: * Armalyte * Upon entering BASIC and doing LOAD "$",8 I see a dir listing of the "ARMALYTE" game itself and not of my own d81 disk image * From what I see of that dir listing, it appears as if ARMALYTE is a d64 image (from the blocks used+blocks free = 664 blocks) * I also notice that the response to the LOAD "$",8 command seems a lot slower than other games, as if the fast-loader isn't active * If I exit basic, enter it again and do LOAD "$",8 I get a "?FILE NOT FOUND ERROR" this time. * Chips Challenge * Dir listing shows the contents of chips challenge itself, and not my d81 image. * The chips challenge image appears to be a d64 image too (used+available blocks = 648 blocks) * Creatures * Dir listing shows the contents of creatures itself, and not my d81 image. * I'm not sure of the creatures image size as it reports all file entries as being 0 blocks in size * If I exit basic, enter it again and do LOAD "$",8 I get a "?FILE NOT FOUND ERROR" this time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce EDIT: I've been talking this point over with Justin Pope some more, and he's confirmed that the "load-a-game-from-carousel-first" wasn't related to him getting the troublesome USB sticks out, so I'll have to strike out the theory below. I'll leave it below as a reference though, and also Justin's FB thread elaborating on his experiences: https://www.facebook.com/groups/209280506324242/permalink/214663115785981/ OLD DEFUNCT THEORY I also read this interesting insight from Justin Pope on the FB group page. From what he described, it sounds like the "load-a-game-from-carousel-before-entering-basic" technique not only gets you the fast-loader + d81 support, but it also gets troublesome USB memory sticks to work?! Can anyone with troublesome USB sticks give that theory a try to see how it fares? More specifically, use AVENGER as the choice of carousel game. [6]enter image description here -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet I am honestly a little confused that launching the games from the carousel leaves the emulation in some kind of non-default state at all. That seems to be a mistake in design, and while it is helpful right now, this really ought to get fixed. To me that just seems like unintentional and possibly unwanted, depending on what you want to do with the C64. Just imagine if every single game triggered this mechanism -- switched some settings around seemingly at random. I can imagine we'd run into problems with some software eventually. Currently, knowing which game changes what settings, this is helpful. In the future, I'd prefer to simply just switch things in an actual menu. So I'm hoping that'll be handled in an update. Hopefully not before it can handle multiple disk images, other fastloaders, and various formats. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- saramakos [7]Jammet It is definitely occasionally problematic. I cannot load my copy of Defender of the Crown after loading a game with Fastloader support. It seems to be an incompatibility that I can replicate with 100% certainty. If I power-cycle the unit all of a sudden I can load it again until the next time I load a game from the carousel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [8]Jammet Yeah, understood and agreed. Still, I'm glad this quirk exists and the community has latched onto it with enthusiasm. It's a means to have some more fun while we wait for that improved firmware :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [9]saramakos Im wondering, as a temporary workaround until an improved firmware comes along, could you keep a BASIC save state which includes the fast-loader, and another save state that doesn't? Then decide on which savestate to start from depending on what the game can run with? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- saramakos [10]Gurce I just ended up using a BASIC save slot with Defender of the Crown loaded as this is the only one I have had issues with so far. A good idea however if I find more issues [11]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Yes my USB stick didn't load a game until I used my save state Load command and it worked fine.I was able to use the same stick to flash the firmware as well so I don't understand why it was not able to load a game without the save..?? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 I know what's Vice is doing... [12]:D When you start a game from carousel,True Drive Emulation is turn off(Some games don't work cause they need True Drive Emulation to load),when you go in it Basic without loading a game from the carousel, True Drive Emulation is on and that why it comes up with FILE NOT FOUND ERROR with D81 images... [13]:D You have to load a game from the carousel to turn off True Drive Emulation to load D81 images. I was thinking again.. [14]:D maybe that why it don't like some USB Sticks too.It can't read from that USB Stick cause True Drive Emulation is on and the USB Stick is not compatible with it so it can't read from it but when you turn it off it can..??? I think,all the problems we are having with USB Sticks is down to True Drive Emulation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet [15]spannernick1 Yeah, some of the internal settings get switched around, and it could really be the equivalent to VICEs true disk drive emulation (the mini is using a different in-house developed emulator as far as we know). The USB, not sure how it could be connected. The host system that the emulator is running on, is supposed to just mount that file system, and the emulator then reads from it. Maybe USB storage devices get switched off at some point, like like true disk drive emulation, or something with their detection is faulty. The emulator itself isn't really aware that it's a USB storage device though. To the emulator it's just ... one file on it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PantherUK See now this explains why some of my music demos won't load after a carousel load, thanks chaps.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce Just a small observational note: If the fastloader+d81 support has been enabled in BASIC (due to previously running a game like avenger from the carousel) but you want to turn it off, let's say, to load up a game which has its own fastloader which isn't compatible with the inbuilt one. A quick way to disable the fastloader (rather than turn the system off and on again) is to load armalyte. Then exit it and jump back to BASIC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [16]« Previous Page References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/41 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/60 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/67 8. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/67 9. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/68 10. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/69 15. https://community.thec64.com/d/289/73 16. https://community.thec64.com/d/289?page=3&id=289-you-can-load-d81-images-well-i-can-no-problem