[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Joystick Port 1 and 2 no funktion Ralph Hi all! I downloaded 2 games in.d64 format. Unfortunately the joystick has no function on either port and I can't play the game. What do I have to do to make it work? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [2]Ralph What game? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- synchromesh Kind of a little vague there . any more info ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- adgloride Are you using the official joystick that came with the mini or another usb controller? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 If its a port 1 game you need another usb controller as port 1,it can on play port 2 games with only one joystick connected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Callagan So if it's a game on a USB flash drive, we'll need a USB hub (the USB flash + two joysticks). Is it correct ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [3]Callagan So if it's a game on a USB flash drive, we'll need a USB hub That's the best bet. As-is, the Mini is best suited for 1-2 joysticks and the built-in games. For using as a C64 computer and loading your own programs, you really need more ports: memory stick, keyboard (you can get by with the virtual keyboard, but it's not easy), joystick (and 2nd joystick for 2-player or games that require port1). To support all that, you also need to supply at least 2-2.5A to the Mini. You can get hubs that supply that power, so you can run the Mini and provide extra USB slots using a single device. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Callagan Thank you. I will try. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/282/1 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/282/6