[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Update Goclastninja Would be cool to know when the next firmware update is coming like the way they dated the last one,do you guys reckon we will see it before the month is out? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [2]Goclastninja Who knows, could be xmas lol -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcival Bugger - every time I see a new thread with the word 'update' - I think "aaah, 1.0.7 is out...." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker They said ASAP, so hopefully in the next couple of weeks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet If you are in a hurry, perhaps they'll let you beta test something, if you ask. I'm going to sit tight and wait a while. Sams Journey has 2 two sided disks and, I want this on there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja That sams journey looks great ill defo be getting that -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AB85 Can't wait to play Sam's Journey and Flimbos Quest. Again, it would be nice if they would give a weekly update on the message board. But obviously I'm part of the impatient generation... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram I sent a message earlier, i asked if they had a timescale on the next release. Soon as we can, was the reply.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AB85 That's good news. I can't see why they can't have a pinned post on here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker If there is a bug with the release that they need to fix, then they won’t be able to give an accurate timescale. If they knew exactly what it was and how long it would take, it would be fixed by now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [3]RetroBiker Good point. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SubZero I need the update. I do not want to be a USB jockey anymore -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/277/1 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/277/10