[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Will we finally hit the funding ? synchromesh Looking at the Packaging just in this picture there must be thousands upon thousands of boxes so assuming they all get filled and shipped that's around £65 per unit .... I know there's probably a lot to pay out as well but the mini must be generating some serious cash [2]:) Hopefully enough to get fully funded and some ... They deserve it for their efforts .. [3]Packages -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce Yeah, agreed, they deserve the reward for their efforts, and hope the funds they've amassed from here help in their future projects to bring 8-bit computer history back into the spotlight :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Have you ever thought,why they did TheC64 Mini first...???  1. They need the money to make the big brother.  2. If they made it now they be competing agented,the Ultimate 64 and C64 Reloaded Mk2.  3. Its was easier to make TheC64 Mini than a full size one at this time. This is just my option,don't know if i hit the nail on the head.. [4]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [5]spannernick1 I believe they based the decision a lot on the response of the Indiegogo campaign. Well, I have a vague recollection of hearing something along those lines... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- synchromesh I'm guessing a bit of everything on your list Basically the mini also does half the job ... 1 ..Make the cads a little bigger and you have the large case.. 2 .. Some games already licensed.. 3 .. firmware that already works .. 4 .. A ready made Joystick ( alright not quite there ) [6]:) They just need to add a board and Keyboard really to the list ... Happy days .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIK It may need a lot more heak sinks, or rather weights to make it more solid on a table like the mini and stick have right now, [7];) I have the real machines so find it very hard to imagine making space for something that does the same as the mini but bigger. Maybe if it has 1530 support and proper old skool joyports I might be tempted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce I suppose I have a few wild conspiracy theories of my own, so take what I say here with a grain of salt... [8]:) I think the C64 Indiegogo campaign started around April 2016. The Nintendo mini came out November 2016. Could it be possible that Nintendo felt threatened by the potential return of the C64 and thus wanted to get their own retro system out to market before the c64 team did? The c64 team initially intended to release their full-sized version in December 2016, so could Nintendo have intentionally and hastily aimed to beat them to this finish line, in order to try take the wind of out their sails? So, upon the Nintendo mini making it to market first, could this have put the c64 team on the backfoot, wondering how their full system will fare against it. Perhaps this caused them to ponder and re-think their approach, hence make a cute mini version of their own. I also read on the NES mini's wikipedia page how Nintendo intentionally kept stock of the product low, despite the enormous demand, hence made a lot of positive press for themselves by generating a more heightened, elevated sense of popularity. Well, if their product was so popular, why didn't they simply produce more? (as the c64 team are doing for their product). To me, it feels intentional, they were more interested in creating hype/spin. It brings back memories of a research project I did back in my uni days relating to the company Bandai, creators of the Tamagotchi. I recall reading articles describing how Bandai used similar techniques, intentionally under-stocking the product, even hiring young teenagers to stand in queues outside of department stores so that tv news cameras would film the pandemonium and elevate the sense of popularity of the product even more. Not to say they're the only ones to do this, I recall reading of how Frank Sinatra's PR people would hire young girls to chase him as he got out of his car, while letting tv cameras capture the moment, again, to give him an aura of popularity. (I've got nothing against Frank Sinatra, mind you, like a fair few of his songs [9];)). Ah well, perhaps old age has made me more cynical about the concept of 'popularity' [10]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIK The reason why the NES mini consoles are so few is because originally it was a one time only one off machine for the fans and just enough was made for initial demand. When the NES mini released I'm sure I caught wind that Nintendo said they would 'NOT' make a SNES mini which was disappointing to a lot of people as demand for one was at a high with the NES being an epic success. Also, at the time SNES support on the 3DS & Wii U was still very current. Obviously Nintendo changed it's mind and is more than likely the reason why no more NES mini's were made as all efforts on that side of the business went into the SNES mini for the coming winter of 2017. A lot more ex SNES users out there than NES of course. Is the C64 mini anything to do with the NES/SNES mini coming out? For as along as I can remember people have wanted their fav machines remade/reborn. It just so happens that today's tech allows it to be made cheaply which is what I think. Great times for us Retro gamers, unless you backed the ZX Spectrum Vega+ which by all accounts is not very nice reading. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce Fair enough man, you're entitled to your perspective on it. And true, Nintendo can make official statements on why they choose to do things a certain way, but for me, I'll still leave open the possibility that their plausible official reasonings may hide a more sinister agenda. This is of course, the realm of speculation and won't be palatable for everybody. But for me, I'm content to stick with my 'gut feeling' on the matter, regardless of any official statements from them [11]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- scottyhp [12]Gurce even if your conspiracy theory is true, what is so “sinister” about it? And to be fair, the idea that Nintendo shorted production of the NES mini to create more hype and demand is a fairly mainstream theory. It could be true, however more business writers have settled on the idea that Nintendo’s leadership just does things a little different and sometimes has to be pushed to make decisions that seem more obvious to an outsider. They supposedly wanted to really move full promotion and production to the Switch, weren’t making much margin on the mini and wanted to open those production lines. Even they were surprised by the popularity of the minis. Again, even if none of that is true and this was some pre-planned scheme to create a collectible item, I don’t really see that as sinister. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIK Nintendo is not the big player it once was compared to xbox/ps4 so they normally only make for initial demand and then move on. It's when something is highly sort after it looks like they get it wrong and that's when prices go crazy soon after it's release. Nintendo did say though do not by an over priced SNES mini as they will make enough to go around, and yeah you can buy them in store brand new even now. The fact they dropped the amount of games to add in a second controller compared to the NES mini could also be why it's still available. [13];) Side by side though if you could only have one, go for the NES mini. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- synchromesh The first fact is that The Indiegogo campaign did not reach its original goal .. In fact only 65% of it was funded but it was an Ongoing Campaign so funds could keep coming in until the target was reached ... But when ..another 2 years , 5 years perhaps ? The mini snes release date was 29 September 2017 so I don't think the it was ever planned. Personally I just think the C64 Mini was just a good idea at the time ( and to be honest it was ) If the Devs are now millionaire's then awesome ...It means we should get a good C64 with all the bells and whistles [14]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [15]scottyhp Fair enough, you're welcome to settle on your convictions, I have settled on mine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet Nintendo has a long tradition to bottleneck production of specific items to increase the perceived/inflated market value of these items. Their Amiibo for example, are marketed towards collectors more so than average customers. The "gotta get'em all" slogan by the Pokemon company fits right into that category. These things are made out to be so desirable that they are constantly out of stock, and most normal customers will not ask why. It's just another market strategy. Sometimes an infuriating one, but it works. Still, I think they didn't intentionally go all out to make things as bad as they had been with the NES Mini. Last time I heard, they are going to start producing the NES Mini again, and keep supply open for the SNES Mini. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 5. https://community.thec64.com/d/267/3 12. https://community.thec64.com/d/267/9 15. https://community.thec64.com/d/267/12