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T64 files? chrisa1981 I am finding a lot of C64 games online but they are often downloading as "T64" files not D64 are they interchangable? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram There are sites with D64 games -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chrisa1981 there are, the ones im downloading seem to be a mixture at the moment, are these no good? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram You need d64 game files...they may be of some use if a firmware upgrade allows them too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gab75 As far as I know, currently the main C64 file types are 6: - D64: CBM1541disk image - G64: raw GDR disk image - T64: binary tape image - TAP: raw tape copy - CRT: cartridge ROM - PRG: single program file -------------------------------------------------------------------------- saramakos [2]Gab75 I’ve also seen .d81 files which I assume to be a later drive type? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gab75 [3]saramakos I’ve also seen .d81 files which I assume to be a later drive type? Yes, there're also files in .d71 and .d81 formats, disk images of CBM1571 and CBM1581, but the amount of games/apps in these formats it's very (very) small. CBM1571: a double side/double density 5 1/4 floppy disk drive (essentially designed for the Commodore 128). CBM1581: a double side/double density 3 1/2 floppy disk drive (an "experimental" floppy disk drive incompatible with the C64 softwares that perform low-level disk access, the majority of C64 games). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- walnutwhip if its based on vice it should support them all tbh -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet Support for more of these file types is a nice to have. Currently only d64 files do work. The emulation is not based on Vice, as I was mistakenly thinking when I first posted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- saramakos [4]Gab75 Appreciate the info thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker The features confirmed on the upgrade page on the website for 1.0.7 are for better selecting of D64 files. This will allow multiple disks to be accessed and selecting from multiple disk files. I expect they are adding a file selector allowing you to connect drives 8 & 9 to files. This certainly will be a big improvement (how many 170k D64 files can you get on a 64GB USB stick?). There have been a lot of hints at supporting other file types, but I guess there's a lot of interface code to be written and tested to make that a reality. Especially if this is not VICE. Even if it is based on VICE, there would be a lot of work to get other formats working. Fingers crossed... Mark -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gab75 [5]RetroBiker Of course,...as you wrote, the support for the other file formats (especially if theC64 mini uses a proprietary emulator and not a custom version of VICE) requires a lot of new code and tests... in any case, (IMHO) add the support to the "G64" it would be a great addition... keep our fingers crossed! [6];) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- adgloride I’m sure I used some converter quite a few year ago on the pc that changed t64 to d64 files can’t remember the name. On the original c64 you can use a cartridge like the action replay to save them in d64 format. if they are single loading. I think it was called T64TOPRG. The program was a dos program and changed the file to .prg. You will the need a program like dirmaster to make it into a .d64 file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gab75 [7]adgloride With "D64 editor" you can create a blank disk and, after that, you can import one or more T64 files inside (they are automatically converted in PRGs)... the limit is that the T64s must be "simple" and not "multi-file". -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [8]Gab75 Well you learn something new everyday...Cheers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- synchromesh DirMaster will also easily convert T64 to D64 again not multi- file but you can add more than one game to a D64 which is handy at the moment [9]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet The chances of getting support for more file formats, like T64 and what have you, are quite good. Considering that, all the effort and time put into the support, would be tested and fully implemented, for later re-use for the 1:1 C64, the full sized version. Which I expect will be produced and sold as well, in time. It's obvious that the Mini is a success story, so if the full-size model hinged on that, and not only the kickstarter, any firmware upgrades the Mini gets, might as well serve to make that other model feature complete. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/264/5 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/264/6 4. https://community.thec64.com/d/264/9 5. https://community.thec64.com/d/264/11 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/264/13 8. https://community.thec64.com/d/264/14