[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Prince of Persia Goclastninja Hey guys just wondering I seen a while back that a c64 version of prince of Persia was made it looked awesome,would love to play it,does anyone know where its available? if at all,on disk format so I could buy it and make a back up copy to use on my mini? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram It looks available to download on various sites..not sure about buying though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja Cool ill check it out,what about that new game sams journey that looks great -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [2]Goclastninja think that is available to buy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja Can only find prince of Persia in crt form does anyone know if a disk version exists -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 No there isn't one only on crt or EasyFlash crt.I have on my EasyFlash 3,good game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja [3]spannernick1 cool anyway of getting it running on the mini -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darbyram [4]Goclastninja not at this present time dude, maybe with next update. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- walnutwhip sams journey is definitely available to buy. although it comes on rom format in europe. not sure if you can opt for a disk/file version aswell. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archon [5]https://www.knightsofbytes.games/ Sams Journey.. Seems like an awesome game ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet [6]Archon That's because it is. Playing it a lot, these days. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archon [7]Jammet Do you play it on you´re mini ? I don´t wanna spend 20 € and not be able to play it.. Did you get the DLC or another version ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce Someone in the fb group was trying to port Prince of Persia to disk but was finding it too problematic. Another person posted some blog entries from the guy that wrote the C64 port of PoP, and it explained the need of the EasyFlash cartridge, in order to quickly bank in chunks of memory as needed. I suppose it still might be possible to try use the disk (with the fast-loader, making it somewhat instantaneous too), but maybe it's not worth all the elbow grease, particularly if the c64 team provide cartridge support in future via their menu system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcival I have PoP on D64 and it is indeed problematic. The screen just flashes random rooms and will accept no input from keyboard or joystick. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 I have POP on my Easy Flash 3 good game,if it was put on D64 it would probably take maybe 10 D64s images. The POP version of D64 was a demo i think showing the games levels. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcival [8]spannernick1 aah, OK fair enough. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Cause each level would have to be loaded in to memory and I don't think they would fit anyway,they are to big so there would be a lot of loading time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja I cant even get that easyflash thing to work on an emulator -------------------------------------------------------------------------- countermeasure [9]Goclastninja EasyFlash CRT's do work on VICE, but please check that you're running the latest version of VICE (3.1). I was using VICE the other day to play Prince of Persia [10]:) I hope a future firmware upgrade for the C64 mini will allow for CRT files, that would open up a lot of games... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- synchromesh I have Prince of Persia.CRT running on Vice 2.2 so running it isn't an issue even on older versions Mini compatibility would be awesome .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/263/3 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/263/6 4. https://community.thec64.com/d/263/7 5. https://www.knightsofbytes.games/ 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/263/10 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/263/11 8. https://community.thec64.com/d/263/15 9. https://community.thec64.com/d/263/18