[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Update Goclastninja Anybody know what time today that the update is available -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker Are you constantly refreshing the page, too? [2]😆 It contains updates for joystick button mappings for a number of games, so I guess they are sorting out getting the game pages updated, too so that they can update the entire website in one go. They'll want to do it when they have support to hand in case there are problems. I'm not expecting it before 10am at least. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- saramakos Me too. Although I don't know the time zone to which you refer to when you say 10am, so don't know if that's arrived yet! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [3]saramakos I'm referring to UK time, sorry. Retro Games LTD are based in the UK so I'm guessing their operation is all here, but it might not be... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorf Sorry if I’m being daft but where is the update page. I can’t see anything on the home page for the 64 mini -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIK Go back to the main index page of the site and up on TheC64mini menu at the top of the page a tab will pop down if you put your mouse over it, UPGRADE. Nothing there yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcival They'll put it up at 23:59... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- lroby74 i am on this page too [4]:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- saramakos I have a horrible feeling they will put it up 5 minutes after I go to sleep tonight. Already getting very close :/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toen It would be good to know when this upgrade will be ready. It's like waiting for the post to arrive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chrisa1981 ive a funny feeling there will be no update -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [5]chrisa1981 It’s now available... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/232/3 5. https://community.thec64.com/d/232/11