[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Joystick port 1 or 2 ? gennariandrea Hi everybody, great pre-loaded games but.... what about roms downloaded from internet ? If I download rom from internet web sites, I can load them on the C64 mini and run the game. But sometimes it asks me to use a joystick in port 1 or 2, it depends. If I run a game that need port 1 it doesn't work. For example, R-Type works correctly (except for the command that need space bar to launch the vehicle) but "Licence to kill" doesn't.Is there a way to define ports ? Have you found the same problem ? Did you managed it ? Thanks a lot and have a great time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BellaBill As stated here: [2]https://thec64.com/troubleshooting/ For C64 programs that need a joystick, only joystick port 2 is currently usable. The current firmware only supports joystick port 2 for user provided games. Then you'll have to wait a newer firmware. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- gennariandrea Thakyou very much, I'll wait the new incoming firmware. Bye -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spannernick1 Put 2 USB joysticks in,so If you have a USB game Pad or something,It will use one as port1 and the other as port 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- startreksteve Might be easier to add an option to swap joystick port ID's, that would save on wear and tear like we had on the original 64. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- adgloride You could try defining the keys on the keyboard when you start the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- lroby74 ATM i can play port 1 or port 2 games using a PSX Splitter and connecting a PSX Plug joystick Arcade (Lioncast) on one port or other one -------------------------------------------------------------------------- jamesds Worth following C64_endings on twitter as he's been patching a few games to work with port 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://thec64.com/troubleshooting/