[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Impossible Mission buggy audio JohnnyG Does the speech synthesis on Impossible Mission work for anyone? "Stay a while... Stay foreverrrrrrr" I was so looking forward to hearing that again after all these years - but it doesn't play. And then sometimes when you enter a room he is meant to say "destroy him my robots" but I just get silence. Ideas? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [2]JohnnyG I played Impossible Mission (badly!) at the weekend and the audio was fine. I'd agree with [3]Gurce that it may well be the current of your power supply. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce I've heard it say the "another visitor" audio when it runs on my system, not sure why it didn't work for you. Some people have mentioned seeing issues with the video if they use a usb adapter rated 1A or less. and then the prob goes away if they use 2A or higher. Not sure if this will help for your audio troubles though, but maybe worth a shot. Do any other games with digitised audio work for you? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorf I look forward to hearing “No, No, No!” Followed by the female voice saying “Mission Accomplished, Congratulations!” -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcival [4]Scorf I only finished it once all those years ago but the final words stuck with me all this time. I forget what I had for lunch a few days ago but this I've never forgotten in 33 years - some things are just more important! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JohnnyG I am using a 2A iPad charger and so lack of power should not be causing the issue. I just tried it on a different TV and it worked?? wth No idea why hdmi audio would work differently...? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [5]JohnnyG Wow, that is puzzling. Any chance you could share the make/model details of both working and non-working tv's? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [6]JohnnyG No idea why hdmi audio would work differently...? There is no single, universal HDMI transport layer as such. HDMI supports a broad spectrum of signal frequencies and features. While the basic principles are pretty much the same across devices, devices running at slightly different frequencies or with slightly different tolerances may not work together, while some are more forgiving than others. Unlike CRTs where everything is purely signal based so you still get a fuzzy picture if things are not right, HDMI is digital so, usually, it's working correctly or there's nothing. Different OSes push slightly different signals out their HDMI ports, too. In particular, I have found that MacOS and Windows (along with DVD/BluRay players and hardware based consoles) are able to correctly synchronise with more types of screen and over longer cable lengths than Linux. Since the Mini is Linux, I would expect more variation with device compatibility than something that wasn't, to be honest. [7]😞 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- adgloride On the original C64 the speech was dodgy through the aerial, you had to have it just right. Via the scart lead on the original C64C and the mini I have found the speech to be low. I think it’s an issue with the original game and not the mini. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- yngwie115 Hi, I have the same issue, but I think it's relates to general audio issues because there are problems also with other game music as monty on the run ( listen to the intro) before the lead melody and others -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/208/1 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/208/2 4. https://community.thec64.com/d/208/4 5. https://community.thec64.com/d/208/5 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/208/5