[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Game(s) on Thumb Drive flnettles How can I add several games to a USB drive and run each successfully? The docs say to rename any game to THEC64-drive8.d64 so does this mean a single game on a thumb drive one at a time? How can I put 20 or 30 games on a thumb drive at the same time? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [2]flnettles It's not a single game at a time, but a single disk image at a time. A D64 image is 170k so you can potentially get multiple games on a single image (unless they have lots of files which they load in that takes a whole disk). The 1.0.7 firmware upgrade will fix some of the hassle, at least, which should allow you to have multiple disk images accessible. Keep an eye on the website for details: [3]https://thec64.com/upgrade/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moz333 [4]flnettles You can put as many games as you want on the USB, you just have to rename each one as you load it..To be honest ive got it down to a fine art swapping from mini to pc and renaming only takes a few seconds. Or you just have a few files with bunches of 4/5 games on each, (technically 1 disk) again rename each time. Its an ok system for the time being till things improve. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Killamarshian [5]flnettles Read my post about fast loaders for how to use more than one game on a stick at one time. [6]https://community.thec64.com/d/177-fast-loaders -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FineLerv For now it’s only a single game on a drive at a time but a future firmware update will remedy this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- flnettles [7]Moz333 Looks like 1.0.7 will allow multiple games on a USB but here's something to ponder. I am wondering if attaching a Zoom Floppy interface to the Mini via USB, then attaching an actual 1541 or 1571 would allow reading .d64 files from a genuine 5 1/4" floppy! What a concept....... [8]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- gafmcc I sometimes find that even after renaming the file, the games don't show up when I type list. Does anyone else have this? When I check in dirmaster the programs are there -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moz333 [9]gafmcc i did find this initially as i was just plugging usb straight into the mini on the Basic screen..You need to power down and insert the usb in the mini then power up, no probs that way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroBiker [10]Moz333 The Mini only recognises changes to USB devices while in the carousel. You can exit BASIC, insert or change USB stick, then re-enter BASIC and it should be ok. Make sure that your power supply is adequate. The docs suggest 1A, but with USB access and keyboard, you really need at least 2A it seems. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- gafmcc [11]Moz333 thanks, I'll try that -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moz333 [12]RetroBiker Cheers for that.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja What kind of usb hub do I need to get,a powered one? Anybody any suggestions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet Given time, when we may be able to select with a file browser what file from USB we'd like to load, I hope that this will include all the common formats. You know. D64. T64. G64 perhaps. TAP and CRT would be very nice. D81 might also not be such a bad idea. That, along with the ability to open ZIP files would naturally be future proof. I already have quite a personal archive, but it relies heavily on ZIP usage, and a lot of my software has been backed up into every format available, just to be sure that it can be loaded one way, or another. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/207/1 3. https://thec64.com/upgrade/ 4. https://community.thec64.com/d/207/1 5. https://community.thec64.com/d/207/1 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/177-fast-loaders 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/207/4 9. https://community.thec64.com/d/207/5 10. https://community.thec64.com/d/207/6 11. https://community.thec64.com/d/207/6 12. https://community.thec64.com/d/207/7