[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. The C64 mini accuracy renepela I was wondering how accurate the C64 emulation is. I know The C64 mini is based on Vice. But which version of Vice. Vice comes with X64 and X64SC, X64 is great for speed, but X64SC is far more accurate. X64SC however requires a faster CPU. I'm wondering if the C64 is using X64 or X64SC. Does the C64 runs without frame skips? I'm also curious if SID filters are emulated. Can anyone tell me more about it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gab75 From what I've seen, the emulation is good. I tested various titles and all of them goes at full speed without slowdowns (except for the slowdowns which we can see also in the real C64). The audio emulation does his job well, but the analogic filters of the real counterpart are not present... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braindome Every game I've tried has run extremely well, except Ballblazer suffered from flickering graphics. It's a shame as I love that game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PantherUK I doubt I'd be able to tell the difference to be honest and I've been a c64 owner since about 1985... I videoed a demo recently and one of the guys that did it commented that he was impressed as the 8 bit digi was working correctly in the SID... Make of that what you will, makes me impressed... And I've never seen the score scroll this smoothly in Uridium outside of an actual 64... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gab75 It's true to say that the emulation in theC64 mini is unquestionably good! ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- oldskool The one game I had with slowdown was Nebulous, but to be fair I can't recall if that had slowdown originally on the C64, especially as I ended up playing it to death on the Amiga. I did get some weird tearing with a PS4 controller wired, but that could simply be a compatibility issue, it certainly seemed like it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/