[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Hall of fame Fr0st Hi, maybe I'm missing something obvious, how do I go about seeing my name in the hall of fame? It doesn't seem to go past names beginning with A. Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------- synchromesh I haven't quite worked it out but ... It seems to show all the " A " scrolling ... Then in text...then sideways scrolling ...then moves on to " B " Very weird but only briefly looked -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce Ah yeah, they seem to have 3 states/methods of animating the backer names in the hall of fame. Two of the methods were really flashy and cute, the blue start-up screen style seemed a little bland. Our family was dreading whether my name would appear in the bland mode or not... We let out a big cheer when it was in one of the flashy modes [2]:D (it could have so easily gone the other way though! [3]:D) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/