[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Western games & Bruce lee Johno Hey, Tried to load Bruce Lee and Western Games on the c64 Mini today from Basic. They both load fine but the joystick doesn't move the character at all in Bruce Lee and in Western Games on the main menu you it doesn't move the cross hairs at all. Has anybody got these working or are they not compatible? Any way to fix it? Cheers Johno -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RetroGamesLtd [2]Johno - Please refer to the page [3]Loading Other Programs and then also see the link at the bottom that will take you to the troubleshooting page. A future firmware update will provide a nicer method for loading other programs and that should resolve any issues you are currently having. A general note though, we are only able to provide specific help for programs licensed and legally supplied with THEC64 Mini itself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module180 [4]Johno I can also confirm that Bruce Lee has a joystick/controller issue. Here’s hoping that when the devs update the firmware they can add a function to do a joystick swap, so to speak. Regards module180 :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braindome [5]Johno Good news! It is just the joystick port mapping. I used a PS4 controller as a work-around. With both controllers connected, I started Basic from the carousel using the PS4 controller, and loaded Bruce Lee. The PS4 controller doesn't work reliably with the Mini, and sometimes starts spamming it with inputs which make the games slow down. If this happens, just unplug the PS4 controller. Now the Bruce Lee plays ok using the standard joystick. I guess that starting Basic using the the other controller forces the joystick to be mapped to the other port. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- davedoubledecks It may be that some games used control port 1 for the joystick and the c64mini only uses control port 2. Hope this helps David -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammet All the advanced new features brought to the mini will be well appreciated. It also probably helps to have these in the firmware and fleshed out by the time the full sized version is sold. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braindome I'm a little disappointed to find that I can't play Gyruss. It runs ok, but I can't control the ship. I guess that like Bruce Lee, the control stick is mapped to the wrong port. I hope a future firmware update will allow this kind of mapping to be switched. Also, I've been playing a bit of Dropzone. It's fantastic, but I'd love to be able to re-map the additional buttons on the stick, so I can use one for the smart bomb. It's kind of a pain to use a keyboard just for the space bar! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- W12MODS [6]Braindome I want to play Dropzone it was in issue 3 of ZZapp 64 and I couldn't afford it then. So now you are saying I have to buy a keyboard that I can't afford now to use the smart bomb? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braindome [7]W12MODS Unfortunately, yes. I still recommend you install Dropzone. It still plays very well without the smart bomb. Oh, and I forgot about the cloak. That's on any key other than the space bar. You'd need a keyboard for that too. Maybe a future firmware update will allow us to use the spare buttons on the joystick for these features? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- W12MODS [8]Braindome not good I will have to get Guardian then I had it on a Alligata software compilation but lent it to someone at school and never saw it again. Never lend your c64 mini to anyone. Mine arrives Tuesday. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braindome [9]W12MODS I'm sure you'll enjoy it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcival I remember going to the Computer Fair in 1984 at Earls Court I think it was, and in the reception area downstairs was a locked cabinet showing Dropzone on the C64. No-one was around and I was amazed thinking "why is it down here??!" I had the Atari800 version of Dropzone already and was amazed at what Archer MacLean had been able to do on the C64. If I recall the Atari version was much better but the C64 version was decent enough. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braindome [10]Parcival the Atari version was better, but I think it was pretty close. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Killamarshian [11]Braindome Thanks, that works perfect now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braindome [12]Killamarshian glad I could help. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcival Nice find Braindome - it's things like this that will keep us all playing and not giving up. I'm hoping that future firmware updates will fix things like this as well as give us more features. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/136/1 3. https://thec64.com/loading-other-programs/ 4. https://community.thec64.com/d/136/1 5. https://community.thec64.com/d/136/1 6. https://community.thec64.com/d/136/6 7. https://community.thec64.com/d/136/7 8. https://community.thec64.com/d/136/8 9. https://community.thec64.com/d/136/9 10. https://community.thec64.com/d/136/11 11. https://community.thec64.com/d/136/13 12. https://community.thec64.com/d/136/14