[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Retrofitting a Raspberry Pi3 into the C64 Mini twistedtxb So I love the design of the C64 Mini so much that I plan on buying one, removing the guts and putting a RPi3 inside instead. Is the case large enough to fit one inside? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurce [2]twistedtxb Just wanted to share a possible alternative. Since the backend of their system is linux, it very well might be possible to create your own linux system with your own emulators on this device. I can't say this with any certainty as yet, just speculating and it's something I'm hoping to try explore at some later stage, in the hope of getting a vic20 emulator running on this device. I'd like to arrange that ecosystem to boot an alternate linux off the usb stick, so that my ecosystem won't taint the c64 team's existing one in any way. Is that actually possible? I don't know for sure, but from my initial studies, it feels like a 'maybe' :-) Maybe other more enthusiastic vic20 ppl will beat me to it, I actually hope they do, so that will make my life easy and I can just copy their steps :-D I never owned a vic20, or a c128, so I'm hoping when the full-sized keyboard version of thec64 comes out later, this could be a wonderful way for me to experience what those systems felt like, typing away on a proper petscii keyboard and all :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja Not really the place to be asking that mate,if you think about it im sure the devs wouldn't like all that talk -------------------------------------------------------------------------- twistedtxb Why is that? If it fits, I'm buying a C64 Mini. Win-Win. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goclastninja I found a site before that sold tiny c64 moulds for the pi,ill try dig it up and fill you in -------------------------------------------------------------------------- synchromesh [3]Goclastninja I found a site before that sold tiny c64 moulds for the pi,ill try dig it up and fill you in Oh I saw those .. there really bad [4]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 2. https://community.thec64.com/d/114/1 3. https://community.thec64.com/d/114/4