[1]The C64 Community Loading... This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Full size with SID? Tryle Thats really great! And you must know that there is also a big chiptune music scene. So do you emulate or rebuild the famous SID soundchip ?? I read that you also publish a fullsize version. that would be great to make music with it. There are some tools for music production and with USB port I could connect my synthesizer keyboard to it. Would it work? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- acidf Hi , I would also like to know if the SID chip (or emulation since SID chips can not be found) is included ? This would be great news for the Chiptune community [2]:) Best regards, Fabian -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trinket I wouldn't expect there to be a hardware SID. The only chip they've mentioned so far is an ARM, and the only custom software they talk about is the front-end. It's reasonable to expect a stock existing software emulator like VICE will be used, and it's not known which SID emulation options will be used or available. I suspect it'll depend on how powerful their chosen chip is, since some other popular ARMs can't reach 100% speed in VICE with the better SID options enabled. The full sized version is rumored to run the same chip, if not the same board. USB support is only mentioned for keyboard (computer keyboard, not music keyboard [3]:) ) and flash drives. I'm not sure how this would be better than VICE on a PC for the chiptune community, as using cross-platform music editors as currently done will have a much faster turnaround. The SID emulation quality might be higher on PC; the best audio fidelity you could expect for the mini is being on par with VICE on PC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- acidf thank you for your reply [4];) I tested many vst and SID emulation, but I never find the true sound, In hardware you have super machine but the price is very high (ex : [5]https://twisted-electrons.com/product/therapsid/ ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trinket Given that the SID is a partially analog device, even on original hardware there was no single "true" sound. Each computer had slightly different characteristics, depending on variability of the chips themselves as well as external capacitors not being consistent. Of course, all these analog effects means it's also harder to emulate or get the same characteristics in a FPGA, compared to replicating purely digital chips. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReflectedLightEntertainment It's all emulated. None of the original chips are used. The original chips have not been produced since about 1994/1995 as the last ever produced Commodore 64 was ran through the assembly line. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References Visible links 1. https://community.thec64.com/ 5. https://twisted-electrons.com/product/therapsid/