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Remote Serial Monitor

The Remote Serial Monitor is a handy tool to help you debug the MEGA65 System.

Documentation exists for it in the following locations:


I'm currently developing a comms tool to enhance debugging support for the mega65.

It's still early days, but some present perks are:

  • It preserves the history of past commands typed (via the readline library, eg, you can use CTRL-R to do a reverse search through past commands)
  • Pressing 'ENTER' key will repeat the last command (handy when using the 'M' command to dump out consecutive chunks of memory)
  • Can disassemble the code at the current pc as you step through
  • If you ran the app in the path containing the *.list files for your project (and your *.list files were generated via a newly-tweaked version of Ophis that provided more verbose output in .list files), then you will also see the .a65 source-code line as you step through

The source for the m65dbg app is available here:


  • Presently, I'm building it for windows-cygwin, but I'm hopeful with a bit of tweaking of the Makefile and source (particularly relating to libreadline), it'll build fine in macosx and linux.
  • Presently, inside the “main.c” file, I've hard-coded the serial-port to point to “/dev/ttyS4”, as that's what it appears like on my system. This probably isn't ideal, as everyone's serial-port device names will be different. So for now, please just replace that line with the device-name on your system :)
  • Try the following steps:
    • ./m65dbg
    • r (to print out current registers)
    • b<addr> = a raw command to set a hardware breakpoint
    • t1 (to turn trace mode on, a bit like ctrl-c breaking inside gdb)
    • t0 (to turn trace mode off, a bit like doing 'c'/continue in gdb)
    • n (my 'next'/step-over command, which uses the hardware's step-into command multiple times, can be very slow)
    • s (my 'step-into' command, which just calls the hardware's step-into)
    • [ENTER] key will repeat the last command
    • finish (my 'step-out-of' command, which calls 'n'/next multiple times, can be very slow, depending on how busy the current function is)
    • pb/pw/pd/ps <addr> = prints byte/word/dword/string values at the given address
    • typing “help” will give you the list of m65dbg commands, while typing “?” will give you the list of raw commands.
remote_serial_monitor.1470613733.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/07 17:48 by gurce